The Importance of Video Evidence in Auto Accident Injury Cases
Like it or not we live in an age of video, cameras are everywhere! And the video evidence from these cameras has a direct impact on personal injury cases.
Personal Injury Attorneys for Ride Share Accidents
If you find yourself in a situation where you have been in a collision with a ride share such as Uber, Lyft, Grubhub, DoorDash, Uber Eats – you have found yourself in a more complicated situation than a typical auto accident. There are more layers of insurance to pierce and to decide if they even apply to your situation.
Personal Injury Attorneys for Ride Share Drivers
If you are a driver for a ride share service such as Uber or Lyft and you are injured by someone else in an accident, you have a personal injury claim. This type of claim proceeds in a completely different fashion to a typical personal injury claim.
Construction Injury Attorneys
When discussing construction workplace injuries, you typically are not talking about a car accident. Construction sites are dangerous places, and you have injuries related to debris falling from above such as hammers, bricks, supplies, or even people. In these types of construction workplace injuries, it is important to determine who is responsible for your injury.
Workplace Injury Attorneys
When discussing workplace injuries, the team here at Willis, Willis, & Rizzi likes to break things into two categories: workplace injuries where you are on the job and get injured and workplace injuries where the person who injures you is on the job, and you may or may not be on the job.
Why Do Cases Take So Long?
Here at Willis, Willis & Rizzi we recently were discussing the old comic strip “Popeye” and there was a character named “Wimpy” who was always looking to eat hamburgers. One of the characters famous lines was “I’ll gladly pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today.” And that is the kind of world we live in with insurance companies and personal injury claims.
18 Wheeler Accident Attorneys
At Willis, Willis & Rizzi our philosophy is that if a truck driver is entrusted to move an 18 wheel vehicle across that state or country we are going to dig in and research thoroughly that both the semitruck driver and the trucking company have followed all regular traffic laws as well as the litany of federal regulations that govern their activities.
Back Injury Attorneys
The goal, always, in any of these back injury cases is to get you back to where you were before the collision. So, how do we get there? And how do we get there as quickly as possible, with the least amount of hassle possible, and get you compensated for your time and money that you missed out on from work, and get your bills paid.
Concussion Injury Attorneys
At Willis, Willis & Rizzi we think that this new concussion testing is good news in a lot of ways for victims because it will help them get the care they need, quicker. From the legal side it will help us prove that there was a concussion where in the past there has been ambiguity if there was or wasn’t a concussion.
How Long Is This Going To Take?
At Willis, Willis & Rizzi we’re often asked, “How long is my personal injury case going to take?” The key factor here is, do you want to be fully compensated?
Understanding Workers Compensation Claims
Learn about Workers Compensation claims and why it is important to have a personal injury attorney help you and ensure the process is handled correctly.
Serious Injury Attorneys
There are a multitude of items that separate outstanding serious injury attorneys from the “run-of-the-mill” attorneys in handling serious injury cases. At Willis, Willis & Rizzi we have handled a wide variety of serious injury claims and specialize in getting the best outcome for our clients.
Understanding Medical Payment Coverage on Your Auto Insurance Policy
Play Video Understanding Medical Payment Coverage on Your Auto Insurance Policy Many auto insurance policies include medical payment coverage. That coverage is there to provide money to pay for medical
Auto Insurance Policy Exclusions You Should Ask About
There are situations where many of the large auto insurance companies (think of the ones you see advertising on TV) have insurance coverages that have a lot of exclusions or “holes” in the coverage they provide. It's important to ask your insurance agent or company about these types of situations if you are often on the road with the potential to be hit by a vehicle. Are you covered under your auto insurance policy? Some companies will cover you while others will not.
Children Drivers and Auto Insurance Coverage
One of the largest insurance companies in the world will use a tactic where they will designate an individual as an insured under your auto policy, or as a driver. They will also encourage their insurance agents to list children who are under your policy as drivers rather than insured – because the coverage is watered-down for someone listed as a driver as opposed to being listed as an insured.
Mark Willis Discusses African Mission Trip
Mark Willis discusses his experiences from a recent African mission trip.
Insuring Yourself for What You Think You Are Worth
Why should you insure yourself for more than the state required minimum amount of coverage? In Canada, the minimum required auto insurance coverage is $200,000 dollars. By way of comparison, how many people in the United States have $200,000 in auto insurance coverage? Very, very few!
The Reality of Personal Injury Case Settlements
The Reality of Personal Injury Case Settlements At Willis, Willis & Rizzi we have over 35 years of experience in helping clients with the legal side of their personal injury
Your Best Choice for Personal Injury Lawyers Akron, Ohio
If you are in need of legal representation for an injury suffered in a car accident or other type of accident, call the team at Willis, Willis and Rizzi at
Challenges in Personal Injury Cases Involving Medicare or Medicaid
Often the best outcome for the client is not just collecting the most money available but saving the most on the back end as well. Since attorney fees are paid on the amount collected there is little incentive for mass marketers to worry about what amount they save for you. Contact us today at 330-535-2000 for a free consultation with a personal injury attorney and let us help you.
Why You Shouldn’t Handle Your Own Personal Injury Case
The topic “why you shouldn’t handle your own personal injury case” speaks for itself. Trying to handle your own personal injury case is a lot like trying to step through a mine field. The insurance companies will throw multiple obstacles in your path to getting resolution. If you have been in an accident and have medical injuries and bills, don’t hesitate to contact Willis, Willis & Rizzi so that we can help you navigate the mine field of obstacles that insurance companies will present.
Personal Injury Attorneys for Car Accidents
In personal injury cases, all attorneys work on a contingency fee where the attorney or law firm only gets paid if the case is won or settled and there is a recovery. This fee is very similar from attorney to attorney, or law firm to law firm. So, consider this – if you had your choice to eat out for dinner, and you could go to the best restaurant in town, or the fast food restaurant down the street, and the cost for the meal at the end of the evening would be the same, where would you decide to go?
Personal Injury Attorneys for Roughnecks
Representing Gas and Oil Drillers Roughnecks is a term applied to the gritty men and women who work on gas and oil drilling rigs. As you can imagine many hazards
Car Accident Attorneys – Do I Need To Hire One?
If you have been injured in a car accident, you need a personal injury attorney, and you should not delay in researching attorneys and deciding on hiring one. The longer you wait, the more time the insurance companies have to make behind-the-scenes decisions that often hurt your personal injury claim.
What To Do After An Auto Collision
Around our law office at Willis, Willis & Rizzi we talk frequently about servicing the client and it is truly the mission here! It means a lot to us when someone calls and they have never had an attorney before, they have never heard of our firm before but their brother or best friend or neighbor speaks highly of us.
Truck Accident Attorneys Akron
At Willis, Willis & Rizzi in our roles as truck accident attorneys, we look at the case in a much broader way that goes beyond the injuries in the case. There is the injury, and there is what happened before the injury, what led to the accident even happening in the first place. We feel that what happened before the injury adds value to the trucking accident claim.
Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys
At Willis, Willis & Rizzi we can advocate on your behalf to help get you the treatment you need. Traumatic brain injuries and concussions are best handled by specialist doctors that have more extensive training and experience in dealing with injuries to the brain. We have great relationships with the doctors and medical providers who know how to deal with a concussion.
Toxic Chemical Attorneys in Ohio
At Willis, Willis & Rizzi personal injury law firm in Akron, Ohio we have handled a wide range of cases involving toxic chemical exposure. We have handled many other types of toxic chemical exposure cases which resulted in favorable settlements for our clients. We have the time, experience and patience to get into a complex and challenging case and fight for our clients to achieve the best outcome possible.
Blindness & Eye Injury Attorneys
With blindness, vision loss and eye injury cases we offer in-depth research and are well acquainted with traumatic eye injuries and vision issues related to traumatic brain injuries. In addition to being experts in the legal aspects of blindness and eye injury cases, we can also offer a wide range of resources to help clients with their injuries such as ophthalmologists and vision therapists.
Child Injury and Death Attorneys
What sets us apart from other personal injury attorneys is that we are not only concerned with the legal aspects of your case. We care deeply for each situation. We have a network of resources we can connect you with to help you deal with the grief of the loss of a child, or help you navigate the complexities of a child who needs lifetime care.
Nursing Home Injury Attorneys
At Willis, Willis & Rizzi we are a boutique personal injury firm which means that we are not doing mass volumes of personal injury cases. If we decide to take on your case, you will get our best efforts to not only secure the maximum amount of compensation available but to also help in the healing process for you or your loved one.
Spinal Injury Attorneys
At Willis, Willis & Rizzi every client and case we take on we devote our full attention and resources to helping that client and securing a just resolution in their case. This is especially important in spinal injury cases due to the many challenges involved.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Accident Attorneys
When you hire Willis, Willis & Rizzi to handle your pedestrian or bicycle accident case you not only get a legal team that cares enough to look for evidence related to your case but also knows where to look for this evidence.
Accidents and Injuries Involving Commercial Vehicles
At Willis, Willis & Rizzi we have handled many personal injury cases involving commercial vehicles even when our clients didn’t realize the driver that hit them was operating on behalf of their employer.
Premises Liability Attorneys
Premises liability cases present many challenges, and you need an experienced team who has been through the process many times. These are extremely difficult cases to prove. We have been through the courts of appeal regarding premises liability cases, and have the battle-scarred victories to prove it.
Dog Bite Lawyers Akron
At Willis, Willis & Rizzi we handle dog bite and animal attack cases on a regular basis. You need attorneys who not only understands the applicable laws, but also the nitty gritty details of how local animal boards handle animal complaints.
Brain Injury Attorneys Akron
As brain injury attorneys, we counsel our clients and tell them that their goal is to get better. Do whatever you need to do to get back to normal or as close to normal as possible. Our goal at Willis, Willis & Rizzi is to handle all of the legal ramifications of the brain injury. No one can do the treatments for you; you have to do the treatments to get better.
Personal Injury Attorneys Akron – Why Willis, Willis & Rizzi?
If you have been injured in an accident and you feel like you are stuck on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere with a pirate ship full of insurance adjusters and their mumbo jumbo lobbing cannon balls at you, the personal injury attorneys at Willis, Willis & Rizzi are the equivalent of the entire US Navy Seventh Fleet coming over the horizon.
Product Liability Lawyers
We are a boutique law firm; we get 100% behind the personal injury cases that we decide to accept. That is where the difference lies between Willis, Willis & Rizzi and other law firms you may be considering for your defective product liability case.
Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
When you are injured in a motorcycle accident it’s imperative to hire a personal injury firm that realizes motorcycle accidents are not your typical rear-ended motor vehicle collisions. These are serious collisions with serious injuries, where the insurance company is hoping to portray you in a negative way, and to make the jury believe that since you ride a motorcycle, you must have been reckless and that was the cause of the accident, not their insured.
Wrongful Death Attorneys Akron
At Willis, Willis & Rizzi we have handled enough claims as wrongful death attorneys over the years that the courts are comfortable with us doing the work and accepting what we present to them. This only comes from years of experience and trust between the probate court and the wrongful death law firm.
I’ve been in an accident, do I need to hire a personal injury attorney?
I’ve been in an car accident; do I need to hire a personal injury attorney? When you have been in an accident, it can be difficult to know if you
Insurance Companies & Personal Injury Claims Investigations.
The insurance company is telling me my personal injury claim is under investigation. What does that mean? After you have been in an accident or have incurred some other personal
Why Should I Hire Willis, Willis & Rizzi?
When you have a small firm like Willis, Willis, & Rizzi who is dedicated to the practice of law and takes each personal injury case personally and very seriously, it can be a real benefit to clients who need a strong advocate fighting for their best interests.
I’ve been injured and can’t work. What am I supposed to do?
When you have been injured and unable to work, it can be a very stressful and frightening time. At Willis, Willis, & Rizzi we help clients every day to navigate
What Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?
This is the ultimate ‘frequently asked question’ in our practice.
What to do if you’re involved in a collision
Remember these important steps.