At Willis, Willis & Rizzi we are a boutique personal injury firm which means that we are not doing mass volumes of personal injury cases. If we decide to take on your case, you will get our best efforts to not only secure the maximum amount of compensation available but to also help in the healing process for you or your loved one.
Continue readingSpinal Injury Attorneys
At Willis, Willis & Rizzi every client and case we take on we devote our full attention and resources to helping that client and securing a just resolution in their case. This is especially important in spinal injury cases due to the many challenges involved.
Continue readingBicycle and Pedestrian Accident Attorneys
When you hire Willis, Willis & Rizzi to handle your pedestrian or bicycle accident case you not only get a legal team that cares enough to look for evidence related to your case but also knows where to look for this evidence.
Continue readingAccidents and Injuries Involving Commercial Vehicles
At Willis, Willis & Rizzi we have handled many personal injury cases involving commercial vehicles even when our clients didn’t realize the driver that hit them was operating on behalf of their employer.
Continue readingPremises Liability Attorneys
Premises liability cases present many challenges, and you need an experienced team who has been through the process many times. These are extremely difficult cases to prove. We have been through the courts of appeal regarding premises liability cases, and have the battle-scarred victories to prove it.
Continue readingDog Bite Lawyers Akron
At Willis, Willis & Rizzi we handle dog bite and animal attack cases on a regular basis. You need attorneys who not only understands the applicable laws, but also the nitty gritty details of how local animal boards handle animal complaints.
Continue readingBrain Injury Attorneys Akron
As brain injury attorneys, we counsel our clients and tell them that their goal is to get better. Do whatever you need to do to get back to normal or as close to normal as possible. Our goal at Willis, Willis & Rizzi is to handle all of the legal ramifications of the brain injury. No one can do the treatments for you; you have to do the treatments to get better.
Continue readingPersonal Injury Attorneys Akron – Why Willis, Willis & Rizzi?
If you have been injured in an accident and you feel like you are stuck on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere with a pirate ship full of insurance adjusters and their mumbo jumbo lobbing cannon balls at you, the personal injury attorneys at Willis, Willis & Rizzi are the equivalent of the entire US Navy Seventh Fleet coming over the horizon.
Continue readingProduct Liability Lawyers
We are a boutique law firm; we get 100% behind the personal injury cases that we decide to accept. That is where the difference lies between Willis, Willis & Rizzi and other law firms you may be considering for your defective product liability case.
Continue readingMotorcycle Accident Lawyers
When you are injured in a motorcycle accident it’s imperative to hire a personal injury firm that realizes motorcycle accidents are not your typical rear-ended motor vehicle collisions. These are serious collisions with serious injuries, where the insurance company is hoping to portray you in a negative way, and to make the jury believe that since you ride a motorcycle, you must have been reckless and that was the cause of the accident, not their insured.
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