Why You Shouldn’t Handle Your Own Personal Injury Case


The topic “why you shouldn’t handle your own personal injury case” speaks for itself. Trying to handle your own personal injury case is a lot like trying to step through a mine field. The insurance companies will throw multiple obstacles in your path to getting resolution. If you have been in an accident and have medical injuries and bills, don’t hesitate to contact Willis, Willis & Rizzi so that we can help you navigate the mine field of obstacles that insurance companies will present.

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Willis, Willis & Rizzi Support Akron PorchROKR 2023

Willis, Willis & Rizzi were proud to be a part of PorchROKR 2023, which takes place in the Highland Square neighborhood in Akron, Ohio.

PorchROKR is a unique outdoor musical festival showcasing many different musical talents from around the area. Additionally, there are many artisans and creative vendors offering their creations for sale.

Willis, Willis & Rizzi’s property hosted several musical acts and vendors throughout the weekend, as well as an artistic mural which was painted by volunteers and festival attendees

Personal Injury Attorneys for Car Accidents

In personal injury cases, all attorneys work on a contingency fee where the attorney or law firm only gets paid if the case is won or settled and there is a recovery. This fee is very similar from attorney to attorney, or law firm to law firm. So, consider this – if you had your choice to eat out for dinner, and you could go to the best restaurant in town, or the fast food restaurant down the street, and the cost for the meal at the end of the evening would be the same, where would you decide to go?

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Personal Injury Attorneys for Roughnecks

Representing Gas and Oil Drillers

Roughnecks is a term applied to the gritty men and women who work on gas and oil drilling rigs. As you can imagine many hazards are present in such an environment. At Willis, Willis & Rizzi we have represented roughnecks in personal injury claims when malfunctions have occurred at drilling sites and workers have been injured.

One technique used in drilling is called directional drilling, where a sophisticated drill head that can wobble is used to change the direction of the drill. The control pack that runs the drill head is powered by a lithium ion battery. Lithium ion batteries are very sensitive to heat, and a lot of heat is generated when drilling underground. In a personal injury case we handled, the drill head overheated due to a malfunction, lack of adequate cooling, and negligence by supervisors which resulted in the lithium ion battery exploding underground, and a toxic plume of gas rose up through the well bore and enveloped the nearby workers, causing them to become sick. This injury case involved many facets from product liability relative to the faulty drill head, to a negligence case against the supervisors who were supposed to be monitoring the equipment for signs of overheating.

In a case like the one described above, you need a thoughtful and dedicated personal injury law firm to advocate on your behalf. A firm like Willis, Willis & Rizzi, who are willing to commit resources and time to a single case to get to the truth and win a judgement or settlement on behalf of the injured parties. The majority of personal injury attorneys and law firms take a mass volume approach to their businesses. They are dealing with so many injury cases that they are under pressure to move cases along and push for limited and unfair settlements and don’t put the necessary time and research in to handle a complex case. At Willis, Willis & Rizzi, if we take on your case you can expect to speak directly with one of our attorneys, and we will bring the full weight of our experience, expertise and available resources to represent your interests.

In Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia there is a tremendous amount of oil and gas drilling taking place. If you or a loved one has been injured at a drilling site, reach out to us to discuss your case. We represent Roughnecks.

It costs the same, why go to the legal equivalent of a fast food restaurant?

In personal injury cases, all attorneys work on a contingency fee where the attorney or law firm only gets paid if the case is won or settled and there is a recovery. This fee is very similar from attorney to attorney, or law firm to law firm. So, consider this – if you had your choice to eat out for dinner, and you could go to the best restaurant in town, or the fast food restaurant down the street, and the cost for the meal at the end of the evening would be the same, where would you decide to go?

So why go to the legal equivalent of a fast food restaurant? Contact Willis, Willis & Rizzi today at 330-535-2000 or fill out the form on this page and speak to a personal injury attorney today.

Car Accident Attorneys – Do I Need To Hire One?


If you have been injured in a car accident, you need a personal injury attorney, and you should not delay in researching attorneys and deciding on hiring one. The longer you wait, the more time the insurance companies have to make behind-the-scenes decisions that often hurt your personal injury claim.

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What To Do After An Auto Collision

Close Up Of Two Cars Damaged In Road Traffic Accident

Around our law office at Willis, Willis & Rizzi we talk frequently about servicing the client and it is truly the mission here! It means a lot to us when someone calls and they have never had an attorney before, they have never heard of our firm before but their brother or best friend or neighbor speaks highly of us.

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Truck Accident Attorneys Akron

Truck Accident Attorneys Akron

At Willis, Willis & Rizzi in our roles as truck accident attorneys, we look at the case in a much broader way that goes beyond the injuries in the case. There is the injury, and there is what happened before the injury, what led to the accident even happening in the first place. We feel that what happened before the injury adds value to the trucking accident claim.

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Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys


At Willis, Willis & Rizzi we can advocate on your behalf to help get you the treatment you need. Traumatic brain injuries and concussions are best handled by specialist doctors that have more extensive training and experience in dealing with injuries to the brain. We have great relationships with the doctors and medical providers who know how to deal with a concussion.

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Toxic Chemical Attorneys in Ohio


At Willis, Willis & Rizzi personal injury law firm in Akron, Ohio we have handled a wide range of cases involving toxic chemical exposure. We have handled many other types of toxic chemical exposure cases which resulted in favorable settlements for our clients. We have the time, experience and patience to get into a complex and challenging case and fight for our clients to achieve the best outcome possible.

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New Ohio Distracted Driving Law April 2023

As of April 4, 2023, it is illegal in the State of Ohio to use or hold a cell phone in your hand, lap or other parts of the body while driving. If an officer sees a violation, they can pull you over.  Drivers over 18 can make or receive calls via a hands-free device, including: speakerphone, earpiece, wireless headset, electronic watch, or connecting the phone to your vehicle.  In most cases, anything more than a single touch or swipe is against the law.

You can use hands-free technology like Bluetooth as long as you don’t hold the device or manually enter numbers, letters or symbols.  If you have to do that to make a call, you must find a safe location to park your car before making the call.  Drivers can listen to audio streaming apps and use navigational equipment as long as they turn them on before getting on the road or use a single touch/swipe to activate them.

Drivers can hold a phone to their ear during a phone conversation if the call is started and stopped with a single touch/swipe.  Drivers may also hold or use their cell phone when stopped at a traffic light or parked on a roadway or highway during an emergency.  Of course, in an emergency, drivers may call emergency services.

What is off-limits?  Dialing a phone number, sending a text message (unless it is voice to text via a hands-free method), video calls, FaceTime, browsing the internet, or recording or streaming video are just some of the actions that are prohibited.

Remember that drivers under the age of 18 are restricted from using any electronic device in any way while driving, even while sitting at a light or while using hands-free features.  They may however use a navigational device, as long as it is in hands-free or voice activated mode. Teens may not input information into the device while driving.

Officers are currently issuing warnings for violations in an effort to educate the public and allow time to adapt to the new law.  Starting October 5, 2023, law enforcement will begin to issue citations for violations.  The first offense in two years is 2 points assessed to your driver’s license and up to a $150 fine.  The second offense is 3 points and up to a $250 fine. The third offense and beyond is 4 points, up to a $500 fine and a possible 90-day license suspension.